Memoirs of BRAVO 3 SIR
It's been 3 months since i ORD-ed from 3SIR BRAVO. Time really flashes right before our eyes huh... I just got a text message from my army pal Melvin, and he said he missed the tough times walking late in the night full battle order (sometimes in undesirable weather), cursing and swearing at how tough our training was, and also how glad we were when we took the bus back to camp. After i read that message, i kinda took a trip down memory lane.. and ya, I actually genuinely miss those times.
I was glad to be reposted to join Bravo Platoon 6. Initially, when i first joined Bravo, i thought i was in Gangsta's Paradise... Some of them actually scared me with their tattoos and stuff.. (But those guys rawk alright.) Although we only got closer during the 2nd year in Bravo, but i was glad i got to know them better, those crazy peeps. There are alot of colorful, funny characters in Platoon 6 and they never fail to make me laugh! The commanders are great and fun, and not forgetting our Encik, Darren Tan, one of the few people i respected the most. He kept the Law and Order in Bravo, and without him, our company will be an UTTER CHAOS! (Believe me, you can take my word for it.)
Here's the list of things i missed about Bravo.
1. I miss my Bunk.
2. Lying in my bed, listening to mp3, sleeping.
3. Ordering Nasi Lemak or Bah Chor Mee @ night.
4. After lights off timing supper/chat.
5. Bunk mates (Hilmi, Hairrin, Pang, Daniel, Danny, Melvin and erm.... HAZ-LAY!!)
6. Area Cleaning (maybe not...)
7. Nights Off with the Guys!
(Tampines Mall, Changi Village, Tampines Mall, Changi Village, Tampines Mall..)
8. Playing with their PSPs!
9. Clearing our long-shot off and leave together!
10. Helping each other out during outfield.
11. Suffering together during outfield, be it rain or shine.
12. Coming back from outfield together in the Magic school bus.
13. Long, long hours of admin time.
14. AH SENG!!!!!!!!
Things we have to drag our Lazy Asses to do everytime.
15. Waking up for Breakfast
16. Wearing smart 4. for Lunch
17. Dinner ok lah, nights off most of the time.
18. Sai Kang
19. Guard Duty
20. IPPT!
21. SOC!!!! (Major Killer)
The Peeps

22. The idiotic noise and laughter made by Hilmi.
23. Hairrin's playful wits and his bikini underwear!
24. The Playful Twins.
25. Crazy Sean & Nizam
26. Breakfast, lunch, dinner nights off Buddies Daniel, Melvin, Danny, De Biao.
27. Melvin's opinionated/negative perspective & zany humor
28. Daniel's good company.
29. Danny's funny puns and his tidbits... haha!
30. De Biao's colorful, fun-loving character!
31. Sharing Cab, Style, Mens folio, 8 Days with Pang.
32. Crazy, fun peeps Weiquan, DK, Tom, Weihao, Sebas
33. Wei Quan's temper-free attitude and good personality.
34. De Kai's Humor. (And forever staring at ** outside ** bunk!)
35. Tom's HAWTNESS...ARCHE.......
36. Weihao's sex talk and funny moves in tackling girls!
37. Sebas' cold but entertaining puns
38. Terry-mon's In-Terry-gence!
39. Haz - LAYYYYYY!!!!!!! (My BUDDY! He's actually quite a good friend alright!)
40. Hilarious Sgt. Kevin.
41. Spontaneous Sgt. Soadiq.
42. Responsible Sgt. Fazli.
43. Caring Sect-com Sgt. Albert.
44. Steady/Flexible Sgt. Ricky/Jason
45. Captain Jack Neo! (Always call me tweety bird!)
46. Respectable Encik!
I'll be lying if i say that i do not reminisce the times in Bravo, and i can't say that i wanna go back to Bravo too... Civilians life is so much better!
Life still goes on after our Army phase, but the memories will be captured in our hearts forever.
This post is dedicated to Bravo Platoon 6.
See you soon during re-service! :)