Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Prison is SO HOT cos Paris' in it!

Hmmm... everyone seems to be going to jail nowadays.... Think lindsay lohan, paris hilton... even our very own christopher lee. Recently, most of the drunk-driving or hit-and-run cases are targeted on celebrities.... This proves that just because you are a big fuck in the entertainment industry DOESN'T mean you can break the law! Let's take a look at Paris Hilton. She was jailed for 3 weeks because of some violating of probation shit... She needs a hard dose of reality check!

I am so HAWWTT that i could get away with anything......


Mama!!! I don't wana go jail!!!

Now, all the money in the world could not prevent her from going to jail!
Face the sentence u biatch!

Sian lor......

When people are sentenced to prison, they would have their mug shot before going to the cell, and usually their mugshot would be horrific looking.




But in Paris' case...................

"I am still so haawwtt!!"

AND!!! As for her prison wear... Hmm..




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